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Take a look at more of my digital designs

You'll see that the technology of digital design encompasses virtually all industries and organizations.

The Parthenon


Recumbent Trike

Twin-hull Offshore Race Boat

Hummer Wagon

Colonnade, view 01

Colonnade, view 02

Pole Barn/Utility Shed

Two-stall Horse Barn

Three-wheeled Concept Car

Another Harley Custom

1995 Mustang

Barn and Stable

"The Green Mile" death row

Yes, another Harley-Davidson chopper!

Mildly customized Harley

Adirondack Chair

1995 Mustang, from rear

Hummer, view 02


Vee-hull speed boat

...and yet another custom Harley

Taurus .38 Special

Heart-shaped Gemstone

Early 1920s Commercial Building